1st Jan, training begins or does it?

So xmas came and went, new year came and went, and so did the training. I was so motivated before xmas, running was going well, I started to up the mileage, just a little each week, then kids finished for the xmas holidays, uni finished and so did the routine. Late nights and even later mornings, I didn’t like it one bit, I mean a week of it was great, lets lie in, no alarm clock woo hoo but then a week of being at home the cabin fever sets in. Its hard to stay motivated when there is no structure, in my normal routine I know when I can find time to run, but when kids are at home it’s just too hard. So over the xmas period I think I got 3 runs in, that’s it, no decent mileage at all. 1st January comes around, I’m determined I will run every day in January…..well that didn’t happen, of course it didn’t, I suffer from a long standing plantar fasciitis injury and reoccurring calf pain, which there seems to be no cure to!!! So 3rd Jan, no running once again, however a few days off and back to it, I just need to remember that although some people can run every day and pound pavements, my body doesn’t cope with it and I need to listen to MY body, nobody else.

I know a lot, if not everyone in my running group Edinburgh All Runners felt the same, when we met back on Wednesday 9th January, everyone was so happy to get back to the club, seeing everyone else and hearing about their lack of running made me and each other feel better. We worked so hard at that session, everyone was just so happy to be back, we all said no holidays ever again!

Serena from the group really struggled to run at all over the xmas period, she was down south at family for xmas and came down with a nasty bug which floored her for weeks, having to take it easy is not in her nature but was necessary to get back to full health so she could run again, now she’s back to the group and were all keeping each other motivated, her training is back on plan, increasing the mileage and signing up for the Kilomathon and EMF Half marathon is keeping her structured with her training and hoping to enjoy the races.

Wednesday Skills Session on first week back after xmas, Karyn showing how it feels doing intervals after a month off!

Another one who really found the xmas period hard was Garry, he’s quite hard on himself when he can’t fit his running in however he is learning the hard way on when he’s done too much or not taken a rest day,   he also came down bad with the cold and started back before he was fully recovered, something we are all guilty of especially me, i’m the worlds worst for it, however this is really part of becoming a runner and learning when you should and need to rest. It’s a learning curve to say at the least, he struggles with the fact that others are running and he’s not, constantly checking strava to see what others are running, which can be ok but not if it brings you down. However he listened, eventually, now taking the appropriate recovery time and now he’s motivated himself with signing up to the Kilomathon, EMF  marathon, NEW YORK marathon and a few others along the way! He also feels that having the support of the group keeps him going as even when he doesn’t feel like running, he knows we will be there on a Wednesday night so comes along and as soon as your there you don’t regret it.

I think the whole group as a whole struggles with winter and xmas period, its a busy time, however we’ve not had many injuries yet, so far so good, apart from myself who suffers from Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints) and Plantar Fasciitis, as soon as I increase my mileage or increase my pace it comes back, I find that hard as I am writing training plans for others, 5k up to marathon distance and training them weekly, however I need to keep reminding myself that I don’t have the time right now for distance, i’m in the remaining few months for my Sport and Exercise Science degree, my dissertation is on endurance running and i’m using this to keep me motivated and I know as long as I continue to keep running, not matter what the pace or distance I will be able to pick it up when I am finally complete.


Back to running in January, in the hills where I feel my best at running.

I am excited about the Kilomathon this year but slightly apprehensive, the last time I ran it in 2015 I got a pretty good time for me, I was running well with no injuries, this year is different and i’m not running anywhere near the pace I was then, but at the same time I am excited because I have a whole group with me now which I helped to build, people have become friends and got to know each other and support each other, so even though this Kilomathon may not be my fastest one, it will definitely be memorable one.

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